Welcome to my site about Totally Spies!
Here you can find a lot of information about serial; games, tests, questionares, and of course pretty and useful things like avatars, blinks, pixel-art, picture galleries and more other with spies!
I hope you'll like my site, but dont forget about the Rules. Also you may leave comment about my site in Guest Book!
29.07.2008 - website created.
26.12.2008 - website started work.
21.04.2011 - renewing of the website.
10.12.2019 - English version of the website.
Hello! Today is translated information about Alex. And some facts about Sam is changed, for example, I reminisised that Sam sings badly. In Russian verison this fact is changed too. Chat-box works again, what about Im really happy! Hope, you too.
Hi all! Today is translated information about Sam. Other characters translating in progress and in length of time you can read it in Characters graph. Site has some problems with chat-box, so if you have questions or suggestions, please write on e-mail: t0tally-spies@yandex.ru
Today I made English version of the Banners-page and corrected some links. And now its easier to change site language.
Hello! This is first day when my site works in English!
From this day I begin translating of my site. All information and pictures you can see in Russian now, and in course of time it all will be translated on English too.
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